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2015-06-15 06:09:56
Last author: Asdroth
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By far the most important room to the general population of the mansion, the danger room doesn't look like much when first entered from the X-Men Complex South hall. But unseen inside the walls are numerous high tech holographic projectors. The center of the floor is a slightly raised platform with more projectors within and a track that moves to allow an ultimate amount of space to exist. A panel on the wall next to the door controls the entire room and can be accessed using the correct codes. Practically any scenario is possible in this room, and it is mainly used for training and power practice.

X-Men Time

Monday, May 25th

So, Shawn was going to have to go first. He pulled out a spare magazine from his bag and loaded it up, putting it to one side before looking down at the range. He knew the timer would start with his first shot. His tactic would be to deal with the closer targets first. As he lined up a shot with the nearest silhouette, a cough tickled his throat as he fired, causing the shot to totally miss any of the targets. He quickly pulled back the bolt, the timer already silently ticking away. He aimed at the target again and quickly fired, the shot hitting the center of the head. Shocked at his luck, he pulled the bolt and aimed at the next - it was sliding left and right and he decided a chest shot would be more likely to hit. The third shot hit the middle of the chest, not bad. Bolt back, shell ejected, new round in chamber, aim at a medium distance target popping up from the ground, fire. Another head hit! He was grinning despite needing to stay focussed. Readying the last round in his magazine, he aimed at another near target, looking to take it in the head. The bullet passed through where the target's left eye would have been. He had little time left as he ejected the last casing, slid his empty magazine out of his rifle, and plugged the new one into place. He aimed down range at a target fairly central to him, but down range. The shot went wide, the head being his target. Already pulling back the bolt on his rifle, a claxon sounded indicating his time was up. He sighed and stood back to check the score on his display. "10. I can live with that." A sudden thought came to him. "What do we get if we win? Anyone want to suggest a prize?"

"Of course I know how to fire an AR," Kiora called over the sound of Shawn's shots, "What do you think I am, a ninny?" She watched Shawn take his shots with a smirk in her lips. "Not bad for a bolt action." She said almost tauntingly once he finished. When he said something about a prize she bounced, raising a hand as David's rifle rested against her opposite shoulder, "Oh! Oh! I know! I can give the winner a kiss!"

"Well no, it's just not like a pistol." David Purked up at the offer of a kiss with Kiora. Was she wanting him to win so she could kiss him?! Did she want to be his girl?! David was thinking with his head in the clouds at the moment, and had trouble thinking of the alternative. If he lost to Shawn.

Shawn's blush was mainly hidden by the chitin on his face - Kiora looked great in spite of the fur. His mind wandered to whether her fur would be coarse or soft. He returned to focussing on the conversation at hand. "Sounds fine by me, but what if you win? What could you possibly want?" He wondered whether his score was high enough to win and find out about Kiora's fur. He found himself tracing the shape of her body with his eyes and immediately turned his attention to David with an innocent face.

"Of course it's not like a pistol, silly." Kiora told David before looking between the two boys, they both seemed to like her idea. When Shawn asked what she would win, she grinned at him, "Then I guess I don't have to kiss anybody." She said, sticking her tongue out, "Though I guess it would be only fair if I got a kiss for winning too."

David Smiled and let the slide forward on his pistol as if not hearing Kiora's comment and fired away down the range his shots feel well at first two head shots, but then the next three landed in the torso, followed by a round barly hitting the target. The last four feel some what better in place. Three legs and then one fine one in the neck. "fourteen... Great..." David muttered to himself. There was no way Kiora was going to shoot less than that... She had a large mag and almost no recoil off the rifle- David then shrugged. "If you win you pi
ck who you kiss?" He offered her sliding the mag out and then letting the slide on his pistol go forward as he placed it back into his holster. "Sound fare to you Shawn?"

"Definitely fair," Shawn said, trying to act nonchalant while cleaning the end of his rifle's barrel, wiping away the cordite dust. He tried to not let David's score bother him, tried to remind himself that he'd been using a bolt-action rifle and David had a semi-automatic pistol. It would be interesting to see how Kiora did.

Kiora smiled smugly. She knew she could probably get all 30 rounds off in a minute, this should be a cake walk. She shouldered the rifle and liked up a shot with the red dot sight. Her first ten shots or so were mediocre, hitting the outside of the silhouette, with a couple shots narrowly missing. After that she seemed to be warming up a bit, her shot groups tightening a bit to avoid any misses, but her last ten or so shots mostly went wide or barely winged targets. She lowered the weapon, frowning. With one head shot, a couple hearts, and the rest single point hits and misses she'd tied David with fifteen points.

Shawn's eyes widened. This was an interesting development. "So. We need a tie break." He rubbed at the chitinous patch on his chin. "How about most accurate quick draw? Go from 'at ease' to firing in less than a second, bullseye targets?"

Davids Ears were killing his and his head was hurting. If the range was outdoor he would gladly go again, but in here it was just to much. "I'll give it to Kiora." The truth was he didn't want to pull the trigger again. His ears already felt like they were going to fall off.

Kiora grinned almost preditorily, "You sure you don't want to fight me for it?" She asked with a wink, "Otherwise, I may just make you both give me a kiss."

"Up to you, man," Shawn said with as neutral a face as possible. He had a feeling that there was some connection between the others already, but he couldn't help feel attracted to the blue-furred mutant - she was shapely, and had a wild beauty. Still, he didn't want to antagonise the animalistic David in any way - maybe, if he was 'forced' to kiss Kiora, he could make it minimal enough to seem not that into it, but good enough that she might want to come back for more.

David stood there a moment then Shrugged. What was one more round... "I'll shoot one more time." David reloaded his pistol then got an idea. "Ever do a ready up Kiora?" He asked with an interesting idea in mind. They could shoot until one missed a target, odds were with Kioras carless style she would miss before him.

"I don't think so." Kiora shook her head, "What is it?" She was sure it was probably some sort of training exercise, so she may have done it before, but she'd never heard the term.

"So what a series of targets are going to populate and disappear. The targets can be up for as long as two seconds or as short as half a second. If you miss six or more targets you loose." David decided to keep it to himself that the targets at closer ranges would drop faster than the ones at father distance. He hopped this would work in his favor as he set up the next round.

"Alright." Kiora said brightly, "I've done something like that before." She'd never had fancy targets that popped up on their own, but she'd done similar exercises. "Want your AR back? Or do you want to keep using my pistol?"

This could be interesting. Shawn made sure his rifle was safe for stowing before bagging it and then took up a position not far from the two furred mutants. "I think you both need to use the same weapon. If you guys aren't equally matched between rifles and pistols then that's that. Question is, which weapon do you use?" He pulled a quarter from his pocket and held it out on his thumb ready to flip. "Let fate decide?"

"Heads rifle, tails pistols?" David asked Kiora with a grin. He hopped for rifles. It would be easier for Kiora to get trigger happy with more rounds.

"Ooh, sounds good to me." Kiora said with a confident nod. She didn't care too much which weapon they used.

With a quick flick of his thumb, Shawn sent the coin up into the air and deftly caught it in one of his palms. He revealed it to the other two: "Tails," he announced before pocketing the quarter again. "All yours, guys, time to settle this draw."

"You first Kiora." David Smiled to her, hopping she would not do to well. It would also let him know how much time he had before he needed to stop.

X-Men Complex South

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2010-05-16 [Roma]: Oh god no, Korvka didn't have that much time and Flame's scales are strong ;)

P.S. I love that they're talking. This is only going to bring them closer, lol.

2010-05-16 [The Past]: ^0^!

2010-05-16 [Roma]: Haha, people can feel free to comment on the battle. Tis why I'm waiting until tomorrow sometime to start it up again.

2010-05-16 [Figgy]: Too tired... staring blankly at screen will suffice...

2010-05-16 [The Past]: XD was going to say, people come on for a wall of fighting text hehe

2010-05-16 [The Past]: Ok, just been called into work, so be back in about 6-7 hours :(

2010-05-17 [Priest Kel]: I have returned from a fun filled weekend

2010-05-17 [Roma]: Up next...White and Shade >:3

2010-05-17 [Priest Kel]: Yay! ^_^ That should be an interesting fight. I wonder what would happen with team battles

2010-05-17 [Roma]: :O If it wasn't so difficult to GM or monitor, that would be a wonderful idea. I could maybe even talk to Dur about it since he's my go-to-GM-guide.

And my plans for after this are...gonna be...also fun :D

2010-05-17 [Priest Kel]: Really? Do tell!

2010-05-17 [Roma]: You'll find out sooner or later ;0

2010-05-17 [Sturmi]: wee

2010-05-17 [Priest Kel]: Grrr

2010-05-17 [The Past]: Awww, I wanted Flame to at least lose something here to have to cut it off XD and now shes just going to be pissed at Korvka for awhile XD for dirty tactics hehe

2010-05-17 [Roma]: Haha, well if Korvka hadn't had the scythe on her back it would have been better but Flame was too fast for her so she had to do what she had to do.

But they'll make up. This fight was too awesomely brutal for them to stay mad at how great they were :D

2010-05-18 [The Past]: Hehe, give Flame time XD she's angry, but I have a prank in mind against Korvka which she will use to make everything ok for her again :)

2010-05-18 [Roma]: Oooh, yay. >:3

2010-05-18 [Araglas]: lol hehe awesome fight!

2010-05-18 [Priest Kel]: Vlad is going to end up beating the crap out of Michael

2010-05-18 [Roma]: Haha, Michael has tread upon the one thing that makes him unreasonable and mean.

2010-05-19 [Priest Kel]: Lovely, and all accidentally too

2010-05-19 [The Past]: *sighs* and be back in..... eight... to nine hours.... -.- damn work

2010-05-19 [Figgy]: zomg I love my new job. :D

2010-05-19 [Duredhel]: Which is? O,o

2010-05-19 [Figgy]: I'm a server at red Robin Gourmet Burgers X3 The people there are awesome. I'm still doing training, so I haven't actually worked my own shift. But I'm still having fun! :)

2010-05-19 [Roma]: Oh shit, more power to you if you can waitress. That shit is too hard for me.

I worked once in a sub shop and somebody yelled at me for the way I applied lettuce on the sandwich. I threw my hat into the onions, calmly took off my apron, clocked out, and never returned. All during a rush, mind you, with an unfinished sandwich.

You're stronger than I, Figger.

2010-05-19 [Figgy]: You have to be able to deal with the idiots I guess. Which is 75%+ of people in the world. I've already done fast food, and I can deal with it. Serving is a little harder, but I think I can handle it. Just be happyyyyyyy :DDDDDD

2010-05-19 [Roma]: I'm allergic to fools. Being around them make me break out in a really nasty rash of supacunt.

2010-05-19 [Figgy]: HAHAHA XD I'm a pushover, so I'm like.... you just yelled at me... o.o..... OMG HAPPY FACEEEEE :DDDDD

2010-05-19 [Figgy]: Also, Sailor Moon music = <3

2010-05-19 [Duredhel]: I have a beard and I always speak like I know what I'm talking about :/ so I command immediate respect.

2010-05-19 [Sturmi]: @Dur: The human eye is quite large and thus produces enough pigment to lend opacity to the eye, often colouring the iris pale blue. However, there are cases in which the eyes of an albinistic person appear red or purple (Wikipedia) :)

2010-05-19 [Roma]: OMG Figgy, I haven't thought about Sailor Moon in AGES. Now I must watch an episode. Curse you! (ahem, my favorite was Mars, who was yours? ^^)

2010-05-20 [Duredhel]: That's OCA2 Albinism, Sturms, in which case the albino also has pigment in the hair (light blonde to red). The ones with White hair are OCA1a and they cannot develop almost any pigment at all, not even in the eyes. (Which is why their eyes appear red at times, because of light going through blood vessels in the iris)

2010-05-20 [Sturmi]: meh I must have given it just a general read then

2010-05-20 [Duredhel]: Hahha XD but it makes for a good revelation tho. "Yer not an albino, its yer powers messin with your body!"

2010-05-20 [Sturmi]: yeah

2010-05-20 [Roma]: I'm a little confused with your post Sturms. When you say that she gave up on her light radiation, does that mean she's stopped glowing? Or that she's trying to intensify her light output?

2010-05-20 [Sturmi]: I meant to say she stopped holding control over her glow, releasing it... it may not have made much sense, I'll rephrase

2010-05-20 [Figgy]: Roms, has all Sailor Moon eps in Japanese (since the English voice acting is horrific, I just like the music :P). My favorite was, um... Probably Super Sailor Moon. Haha. Tha Starlights were pretty awesome too. StarHealer? Heck yeah, She/He had that Uterus move XD Actually, Galaxia and ChibiChibi are two of my favs as well.

2010-05-20 [Figgy]: Good God, I'm a fucking nerd....

2010-05-20 [Duredhel]: Oh man... this convo just made me remember figgs old ET name XD!

2010-05-20 [Figgy]: Oh shit.... >.< Forget that one for me. kthx

2010-05-20 [Roma]: "Fighting evil by moonlight..."

2010-05-20 [Araglas]: "Winning love by daylight.."

2010-05-21 [Roma]: XD

2010-05-21 [The Past]: You're all sad.....
bbl after work kids :<

2010-05-22 [Duredhel]: Guys, PLEASE check if someone is editing before you do. Third time this has happened to me.

2010-05-22 [Priest Kel]: I had checked, seriously. I was waiting for your post to be done with and it suddenly was so I posted. Sorry dude, my sincere apologies. Although now my post has disappeared, nevermind

2010-05-22 [Roma]: No, it's still there, but none of that needs to be underlined. Just things that should be commented on, but dialog is automatically something that should be replied to so no need :3

2010-05-22 [Priest Kel]: Ah, gotcha and fixed

2010-05-22 [Duredhel]: .... every time Michael says honor I cannot help but think of Oglaf ->

Btw, its NSFW and extremely disgusting, so click at yer own risk XD.

2010-05-22 [Ms. Steel]: Gee... whiz.

2010-05-22 [Duredhel]: I know Ixie, it's horrible. Worse still, now every time you hear "honor", you'll think of it.

2010-05-22 [Ms. Steel]: Thanks so much for planting that seed in my head. *l* I guess I interpreted 'extremely disgusting' as 'graphically and grotesquely violent'. Myyyyy bad!

2010-05-23 [Roma]: o_o Yowza

2010-05-23 [Roma]: Never mind. Brain farts. Resume.

2010-05-23 [Priest Kel]: That's disgusting and makes me want to destroy the character and start over with someone less...chivalric (had to find a word that was similar but not that 'h' word)

2010-05-23 [Roma]: Haha, sodomy

2010-05-23 [Priest Kel]: My mind immediately went...'ewww'

2010-05-23 [Figgy]: My boyfriend thought that was hilarious. Congrats to me, I guess. Wow, Dur. Wow.

2010-05-23 [Duredhel]: You should read the other Oglaf comics, they're awesome. They're all very.. uh.. adult oriented tho. Dunno if Figgs should be reading them.

2010-05-23 [The Past]: Oh god I love this guys work! :D not only funny (and filthy XD) but also great art! It's hard sometimes to find both :)
The poor poor apprentist XD he never gets a break heh. The banner ads are also good :)

2010-05-23 [Figgy]: Hey, hey, I'm more mature than you think. >:/

2010-05-23 [Duredhel]: Sorry :P still forget sometimes that Figgs is all grown up.

2010-05-23 [Figgy]: Hahaha, I wouldn't say all grown up. But, yeah, I'm getting there. :)

2010-05-23 [Duredhel]: Dude, you can't take it back now... yer old.

2010-05-23 [Priest Kel]: Lol

2010-05-23 [Veltzeh]: Heheh honor. I often feel the urge to exclaim "Blood and thunder!" and "Victory at sea!" when it's even vaguely appropriate in RPG situations.

2010-05-23 [Roma]: Haha Vel.

2010-05-23 [Roma]: Oh, Sturms, White was only able to do that since Shade's skin is superduper sensitive to light. So she could shine it on someone else and they'd just be like -squint- OW!

2010-05-23 [Sturmi]: yeah I thought so. White will find out later :P

2010-05-23 [Duredhel]: Is it me or Shade and White were awfully cute just now?


2010-05-24 [Roma]: It's not just you. ^_^

2010-05-24 [Sturmi]: haha

2010-05-24 [Figgy]: Bahahaha XD White is cute anyway :3

2010-05-24 [Araglas]: aww ^_^ lots of love

2010-05-25 [Priest Kel]: Pretty lights

2010-05-26 [Flisky]: Bull shit! She's immune to heat!

2010-05-26 [Duredhel]: Uhhm... as GM understudy I believe this might be amended by both flisk and lep stating in their char sheets their characters are immune to heat. GMs can't know things if you don't tell us, guys. Roma might've assumed though, that Nic's heat resistance was overcome by Summer. Given the fact that a character who does everything cannot overcome a character specialized in one thing as long as they are competing in that one thing.

2010-05-26 [Roma]: O really? It mentions nothing of the sort in her power description. In fact, it seems that her powers are vague in order to give you more room to do as you please with her, considering her powers are emotionally based and you control her emotions. This is why I asked you to rewrite her powers description, which I notice you've yet to do, and our discussion got nowhere aside from you reiterating the fact that "her powers don't work like everyone else's." Well, yanno what? That doesn't fly. Furthermore, I explained that without clear limits and definition, I was going to GM her powers. It I guess that's what's happened here. I will not change the post. Besides, it said that Nicole was immune to her own energy. She's definitely susceptible to the heat and energy of others. That's, what did you call it once? Ah, yes. "Stupidly overpowered."

And, what makes you think that Summer's heat isn't more intense than Nicole's? All Summer does is create heat. She is specialized. Nicole does all sorta of weird shit with her powers, which keep being added as the RP goes along. Unacceptable. Summer, having a specialized mutation is, de facto, more intense than Nicole.

If you have problems with this, one of two things can happen.

1. You can rework Nicole to make her a more appropriate character with powers that are well defined and have clear limitations.

2010-05-26 [Priest Kel]: I have must say that Roma is wrong. The second option should have an 'I' as I believe the GTFO means "Get The F*** Over." Therefore Roma should probably include an 'I'...aside from that I'm siding on Roma and Dur's side

2010-05-26 [Roma]: Thar

2010-05-26 [Priest Kel]: Yar!

2010-05-26 [Figgy]: ... damn... o.o

2010-05-26 [Priest Kel]: To which part?

2010-05-26 [Figgy]: All the anger lol. That probably, no, definitely could have been handled a little better on Flisk's part. :/ Hate to gang up on her, but it's true...

2010-05-26 [Priest Kel]: Aye, that it be

2010-05-26 [The Past]: O.o is it talk like a pirate day and I forgot it?

2010-05-26 [Roma]: If there is no resolution to this by tonight, I will boot Nicole to the side and have Light spar Summer so that we can keep this going :D

2010-05-26 [Flisky]: Roma, Vlad's powers are the same way! Vague so you can do whatever the hell you want with him. "Oh, he's immune to any sort of physical damage, including heat, pressure, and he is indestructible, which means he's immortal." Bullshit! We already discussed her limitations, and I was in the process of adding the downsides. You have something against my characters, fine, but don't, do not take it out on the role play. I have not changed her powers, have not over played them, have not overpowered them. You already said something to me about it, I was fixing it, no need to drag all this crap out on the comments. Unless you need an audience so every one knows who's in charge. If that's so, you can do whatever with this rp because it's clear that the roleplayers have no say in anything, not even their own characters!

2010-05-26 [Roma]: You called bullshit in front of everyone, so I replied in front of everyone. Don't poke the bear unless you're ready for the claws.

Puh-lease don't bring Vlad into this. His powers are simple. Skin can't be penetrated, super strength. Done. Nicole's powers are ridiculous. What I said stands, you either make her a more appropriate character and work out her powers so that they make sense to logical humans, or you can get the fuck over it.

I instructed everyone when I mentioned these spars that I was going to GM some things because there is too much powerplaying, godmoding, and general lousy battle form RP that could go on. If you don't like the way that I GM it, then, again, I ask you to get the fuck over it.

2010-05-26 [Flisky]: I don't like the way you GM because you play favorites. And Vlad's exact power is "Vladimir has superhuman strength and is indestructible." Where does that say anything about the skin not being penetrated. As I see it, it says "indestructible". And yes, I called you out here. Because, and only because, you were powerplaying with MY CHARACTER, who, by what should be common sense, would be immune to a 160 degree heatwave. Unless you're saying that the heat that is in the air created by Nicole's powers would harm her. Because that's not part of her power, either. For the record, I was writing up a better description for her. You never gave me a chance to finish before you immediately made a decision about my character without first asking me or using what should have been common sense. That is what made me angry. Now, either be fair, or I will keep calling bullshit.

And please, puh-lease, stop having a power trip. Vlad is overpowered because nothing can hurt him. Simple as that. And Nicole's powers would make sense to logical humans if you would let me play her as I have been for years.

2010-05-26 [Roma]: If you feel like you're being singled out, it's because you're doing something wrong. You can either be a man about it and take some criticism that your character's powers (not to mention the fact that she's a prodigy and a weapons expert...come on) need some serious revision, or you can keep pissing and moaning. But the second option will lead me to just delete Nicole from the RP altogether until she stops sucking so hard.

I reward players who RP well. Those who aren't doing it well notice. Like characters who think they never get hurt, or shouldn't be hurt.

We've already been over how Nicole's own power can't hurt her, that's just sort of universal except for people like Michael and Vlad who could easily hurt themselves. You seem to be missing the point that Summer's heat is stronger than Nicole's. Why? Because that's what Summer does. If Korvka came across someone who only grew poison ivy, then she'd be itchy. Why? Because it's specialized. Nicole has a power that does what exactly? Yeah. You need to work it out.

And I'm not changing that post, so you can either continue the spar or I'll get Light up there so fast it'll make your head spin.

And I saw the revisions you made. It's the same thing. We still have a problem.

2010-05-26 [Duredhel]: Ok ok guys. It seems right now the characters that are being used as an example for overpoweredness are Nicole and Vlad. Imma assume no one read "What not to do with powers" and make a comparative chart. Now, it's up to you guys whether I post it up here or PM it to each of you, what would you rather i did?

(trying to be completely non-partisan here, just wanna try to put 8 years of GMing experience to work)

2010-05-26 [Roma]: Dun care where you post it. So far, you've made one point Flisk, and that I need to add to Vlad's description that his skin can't be pierced. I shall do that and admit my fault. But my points still stand.

2010-05-26 [Flisky]: Firstly, I'm not a man. Use the correct term, please.

Secondly, wait, isn't "never getting hurt" Vlad's powers? Hmmm....Seems like you aren't doing it so well, either.

Thirdly, um...Nicole's powers can weld steel, that was played through with another character. Nothing was said about it. So, by default, it would be much warmer than the 160 degrees that Summer can produce. (If you would have said that the air currents knocked her down, that would have made sense. But the heat? Really?) And her power creates a soldish energy that is either really hot or really cold out of pure emotion. That's what it does. I already went over this with one of the former GMs. And since Nicole's powers have to do with melting things, or starting things on fire, or the like, wouldn't it then make sense that she would be immune to the heat produced by both, one of which is technically environmental? That was handled before as well.

2010-05-26 [Duredhel]: Ok, since no one seems to care where I put it, I'll put the chart up here.


2010-05-26 [Flisky]: That chart is wrong. Lasers? What do you mean by remote manipulation? The telepath thing is only because her power is emotions. She isn't immune to energy bolts. She can't control other's emotions, that's Alexis. And being immune to heat and cold is part of being immune to her own powers and similar powers.

2010-05-26 [Duredhel]: - Energy bolts and lasers are the same kind of power since they perform the same function

- She can solidify her energy to move, lift, manipulate things and people at a distance.

-When her powers flare up, it affects the emotions of telepaths, given the fact the player controls how and when her powers are going to "flare up" it means control other's emotions.

- Except her powers not only include immunity to heat AND cold (breaking the theme there, seriously, read What not to do with powers) but a plethora of other things as well.

Top of it all, no weaknesses (don't lie to yourself, Nicole has no weaknesses). Ends up being a kick in the nuts of sorts.

2010-05-26 [Figgy]: I just reread what not to do with powers, and Nicole seemingly fits into almost ALL of the categories..

2010-05-26 [Duredhel]: Mind you, Shade and Daniela fit in some of them too >_>, but I've tried my best to subvert those overpowered trends (Dani has ended up being UNDERpowered I'd say XD, but it's way more fun that way)

2010-05-26 [Figgy]: Yeahhh, I tried to think about where Light and Shana would fit in, but I have a hard time seeing it lol. So if they do fit into any of those categories, tell me please. Haha.

2010-05-26 [Flisky]: In a roleplay full of overpowered characters, I'm out. I quit. I'm done arguing with ignorance and stupidity. I have better things to do.

Oh, and, from what was read or written, Vlad is immune to heat and cold (Nicole's powers would have been useless against him), immune to physical pressure which includes his own powers, immune to powers similar (which is why Devin can't hurt him), and has a power similar to Blobs in which once grounded, he can't be moved. Or at least that's what Roma was insinuating.

Can we at least get the facts right?

2010-05-26 [Figgy]: The entire argument is a little ridiculous... Maybe I'm just mature for my age. But I think arguing is a waste of time.

2010-05-26 [Veltzeh]: I just want to say that logically, the single specialized power of one character certainly isn't necessarily more powerful than the same power of a character who has many powers. For game balance and fairness reasons, I of course understand that a single specialized power should be more powerful than one of many, but it really eats any credibility if one claims something like "specialized is always more powerful than one of general". To exaggerate, it's like saying a regular lightbulb is always much more powerful than the sun because a lightbulb can't generate ultraviolet light or x-rays. Or that an uneducated person who just learned to read is better at reading than a university graduate who knows how to read, do math, program and knows three other languages. :P

2010-05-26 [Duredhel]: It is, a GM should not have to explain him/her choices to someone in denial, let alone someone who uses deflection such as calling everyone who disagrees (which seems to be... well, everyone at this point) stupid and ignorant.

I try to seek conciliation rather than confrontation, but given the last exchange, I think the RP will not be poorer at all by losing such an RPer.

And Veltz, you are RoLer, you know better, the balance of the Rp comes first. Don't be coy ;)

2010-05-26 [Veltzeh]: Yes, but while saying stuff like that, one still should specify the exact meaning or it reads really ridiculous. >_>

2010-05-26 [The Past]: O.o holy crap... amazing what happens when you're asleep o.o

2010-05-26 [Lepellier]: Well then...what to do now...*ponders*

2010-05-26 [Duredhel]: Now you post in Orrick, lep XD. And Roma will do a GM post and fix it all when she gets back ;)

2010-05-26 [Roma]: I know that I said Light would spar Summer, but I think Zane and Summer would be fun. ^_^

2010-05-26 [Figgy]: Fine by me, haha

2010-05-26 [Roma]: Now that we have an uneven number again, there's some renoodling to do with these spars. I love the idea of Vlad and Aidan, especially since I have something fun in store for that (mwahaha), and Summer and Zane are already set. So that leaves Light.

Figgy, I was hoping to ask you some more about her powers (nothing like what I asked with Nicole) - more like what exactly she could do. I'd love to work that out in a PM with you so it'd be easier for me to GM with her and figure out who she could spar against.

2010-05-26 [Figgy]: Yeahhh. I need to figure that out myself haha XD I definitely need to tweak them some, so PMing is fine.

2010-05-27 [Lepellier]: Sorry about the Orrick post, Dur. Had to leave. I'll do one now. lol. I really wanna see how the rest of these come out.

2010-05-27 [Priest Kel]: WOW, that was all so...sudden while I was away at work

2010-05-27 [Priest Kel]: And just for the record, I agree with Roma and Dur (I'm not sucking up, just that rules are rules) and have tried to keep Michael within the parameters of the RP. If Michael were to fall within any of the faults that the 'What not to do with powers' wiki-page states without my notice please let me know

2010-05-27 [The Past]: *raises hand* I will suck up instead... ahem... 9.9 [Roma] and [Duredhel] are the most sexy mother fuckers out there :D and their minds aren't too bad either u.u

Ok, after those lies... I know Kel O.o its like walking into the middle of a soap opera or something. Next thing you know Figgy will be having Zeh's baby, or Lepellier will turn out to be Roma's evil twin, Romeno a sexy spy slash doctor who has a interest in gardening and knife juggling.

2010-05-27 [Lepellier]: Wait...You mean I'm not [Roma]'s evil twin? Well, drats. My plan has been foiled once more.

2010-05-27 [The Past]: No, because I am o.o *dramatic music overtone*

2010-05-27 [Roma]: You mean I'm not the evil twin? Mwahaha, my splendid plan is working

2010-05-27 [Ms. Steel]: If this is a soap opera, someone MUST have amnesia. I think that's a law.

2010-05-27 [Priest Kel]: Where am I? What's going on? It's like I don't remember anything!

2010-05-27 [Duredhel]: So we're waiting for Araglas to post with Zane, rite?

2010-05-27 [Roma]: Of course

2010-05-27 [Duredhel]: *bounces*

2010-05-29 [Priest Kel]: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, nothing :(

2010-05-29 [Roma]: If Araglas doesn't get on by tomorrow morning, I'm calling the fight Light and Summer. Figgs, take that as a fire to figure out what power you want most! :D

2010-05-29 [Priest Kel]: Wait, are you calling her out on her powers? Just curious as she is the only one to be capable of REALLY screwing Michael up now that I have posted his allergy to silver

2010-05-29 [Roma]: No no no, Figgs said that she might change some things around so I want her to be prepared to fight tomorrow. Ergo, if she has changes, make 'em before then ;) If she doesn't want to change anything, that's fine with me, I just gotta know how her powers work to GM 'em.

2010-05-29 [Priest Kel]: Ah, gotcha

2010-05-29 [Figgy]: Haha, Shana could kick Michael's ass if she had the right materials in her hands. ;)

2010-05-29 [Figgy]: But yes, I will work hard on figuring out her powers :D

2010-05-29 [Priest Kel]: I was thinking more of Light changing the composition of a steel knife to that of silver after she had already stabbed him. That would probably kill him without help from someone like Alexis. Although, Shana could turn herself into silver and make it to where Michael wouldn't touch her lol

2010-05-29 [Figgy]: But we don't want to kill him :(

2010-05-29 [Priest Kel]: You don't, but Light struck me as the type who would be willing to experiment on whether that was a weakness as that has yet to be exposed in RP

2010-05-29 [Priest Kel]: Then again, his powers haven't been much exposed in RP yet either, but I assumed she would see the were-bear form and maybe guess that he was allergic to silver like a were-wolf

2010-05-29 [Figgy]: That does sound interesting. But then again, I can't simply base her powers around that idea. It would be nice, but knowing how her powers would work is a little complicated :/

2010-05-29 [Priest Kel]: But I thought that Light could change the chemical composition of one element to another?

2010-05-29 [Figgy]: But it's just weird having to control her powers, and I was considering changing them. But I don't know for sure yet.

2010-05-29 [Duredhel]: Uhhm.. you could have simply changing the element, sort of like alchemy, lead into gold and all that stuff. But it lasts a few seconds or only while she remains in contact with whatever she's changing :O

2010-05-29 [Figgy]: You'll have to talk that out with Roma and myself, because she needs to know how to GM it, and I have no idea how to tell her. But I am down to two options, the original
(alchemic stuff) and some sort of lightning/shock thing (Roma suggested it lol)

2010-05-29 [Duredhel]: Hahah XD I was just making a suggestions :3. It seems like it would not be too hard. Though if you need pointers on how you could RP, just PM me or something and lemme know.

...also my feet hurt and it turns out I suck at ice skating.

2010-05-29 [Ms. Steel]: That just means you have to practice ice skating. :-D

2010-05-29 [The Past]: That's ok, last time I went ice skating my wrists hurt.... 'cause I had to keep catching myself from falling over XD

2010-05-30 [Roma]: LIGHTNING. I don't know why I'm so stuck on it, but it just seems so simple and so awesome. But again, it's up to you.

However, to give you time, I must make this spar ADIAN AND VLAD, even though I wanted to save that one until last...

2010-05-30 [Figgy]: Ok, well I have decided on lightning. I just don't know how I would control her powers with chemicals. I'll write that description up real quick.

2010-05-30 [Roma]: WOO HOO! And it makes sense with her name. Lightning...fucking awesome :D :D :D It'll be like she's got Yeller Magic, Dur!

And then in that case, I'll delete the subsequent posts. Because Aidan and Vlad need to go last.

2010-05-30 [Figgy]: Haha, alright. Lemme type this shit up then. ;D (I forgot to earlier XD)

2010-05-30 [Figgy]: I need a suggestion for her disadvantages. >.<

2010-05-30 [Roma]: I'd imagine water could fuck her charge right up, or make it backfire? But I'm researching lightning now so mebbe that's a crock of shit.

2010-05-30 [Sturmi]: or maybe she makes short circuits on electronics... people would have to keep her away from the TV, the PlayStation, cellphones, the Danger Room controls :P

2010-05-30 [Figgy]: Possibly. I was thinking it would magnify her charge, but also harm her as well, so it would be harder to hurt the opponent. Also, too much electricity can cause damage to the heart, so maybe if she used her most powerful strike, it could kill her?

And yes, Sturms, that could work as well, like if she had an emotional flare or something. I figured she could powers electronics as well if she was calm XD

2010-05-30 [Figgy]: Sorry, forgot to get her stuff off of her bike initially. >.< Shade's the quickest way haha

2010-05-30 [The Past]: HAH! Ordering Shade around XD I love it heh

2010-05-31 [Figgy]: :)

2010-05-31 [Duredhel]: Hahah XD Shade was a bit surprised, he's no used to people trying to order him around, he tends to be treated more like a force of nature or an insufferable asshole. Like hell he's gonna show his surprise tho >:3

2010-05-31 [Figgy]: Well I'm excited to see what's gonna happen :P

2010-05-31 [Priest Kel]: I wanna post, but I'm sooo tired

2010-05-31 [Figgy]: Dooooo itttttt

2010-05-31 [Duredhel]: Is it me or have a lot of players sort of.. "disappeared"?

2010-05-31 [Figgy]: :/ There hasn't been much playing. I'm on all the freaking time, and I wish there was some more.

2010-05-31 [Duredhel]: Yeah, I know, I'm on all the time too T__T. I'm bored... gonna be awake all night too, most likely :/ (got to sketch like... 10 comic book pages)

2010-05-31 [Sturmi]: well the people who are watching don't have much to do other than wait for the fights to be over :(

2010-05-31 [The Past]: Oh, well if you really want, I can add more snide comments from Flame, heh

2010-05-31 [Lepellier]: Sorry guys, I wasn't home all weekend. Posting nao.

2010-06-01 [Priest Kel]: I am not 100% certain what Michael can do. Korvka isn't talking to him and White hasn't made much of any comments either

2010-06-01 [Duredhel]: He doesn't HAVE to do anything really.

2010-06-01 [Priest Kel]: Aren't the battle posts supposed to be 100% bold?

2010-06-01 [Figgy]: My bad lol. I'm fxing tired.

2010-06-01 [Figgy]: And I'm assuming Summer's right-handed.

2010-06-01 [Roma]: WOO! Something to finally GM!!

2010-06-01 [Priest Kel]: Lol

2010-06-01 [Figgy]: So yeah, I worked 4 hours last night and made nearly 50 bucks. Worked six hours today and made 60. I think I'm doing pretty decent. :P

2010-06-01 [Priest Kel]: I work 6 and make 76 dollars, but that's not being dependent on tips, that's just wages

2010-06-01 [Figgy]: Yeah, that's good though. That was just my first week. I have coworkers who work 4 hours and bring home nearly $150. I hope I get that good haha

2010-06-01 [Priest Kel]: Wow, I wish I could do that

2010-06-01 [Duredhel]: In my case it depends entirely on how fast I can finish a pic >_>... The one I made of Shana is worth like 30 bucks "in the market" figgs XD

2010-06-01 [Figgy]: Yeah, that's good though. That was just my first week. I have coworkers who work 4 hours and bring home nearly $150. I hope I get that good haha

2010-06-01 [Figgy]: Ahahaha XD I'm sorry lol. I be stealin yo money XP

2010-06-01 [Duredhel]: Hahha XD nothing to apologize about, I keep my work arts and the stuff I do for fun and friends and totally separate things ;). Just don't go sellin' it XD!

2010-06-01 [Figgy]: No waiii >.> ...... XD

2010-06-01 [Duredhel]: I need to make more of those as soon as I get some time off :/

2010-06-01 [Figgy]: Speaking of drawing, I'm working on a couple pics of Light. :)

2010-06-01 [Duredhel]: Awesome :3, Can't wait to see her :D
I can use those as ref eventually too ;)

2010-06-01 [Figgy]: Hehe :D

2010-06-02 [Priest Kel]: Everyone eventually goes for the tackle

2010-06-02 [Figgy]: Tell me about it..... -_-

2010-06-02 [Lepellier]: I'm kinda confused about exactly what all happened there. Anyhow, the tackle is the easiest way to get the fight over with. There really isn't a chance for Summer to KO anyone easily.

2010-06-02 [Priest Kel]: It's just that someone tried to tackle someone else in EVERY fight. It's a common fighting strategy, get your opponent on the ground and pummel them

2010-06-02 [Lepellier]: Or talk them into submission. :)

2010-06-02 [Priest Kel]: Not sure if talking them into submission would work

2010-06-02 [Duredhel]: Shade sure tried.

2010-06-02 [Figgy]: .... I don't know what to do now. Lulz.

2010-06-02 [Priest Kel]: Well yeah, Shade was capable. Michael was going to try until his head got caught in a bubble

2010-06-02 [Lepellier]: I really thought Light was under Summer...The resaults of the tackle seem to be cloudy.

2010-06-02 [Figgy]: Yeah, they are lol. I'll take back my post until we clear that up. :)

2010-06-02 [Duredhel]: Light is Whiplash :O

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